EU-Projekt trAILs (transformation of Alpine Industrial Landscapes)
- Projektname / project name: trAILs (transformation of Alpine Industrial Landscapes)
- Förderprogramm / Funding framework: Alpine Space (EU-Interreg Alpine Space Programme, Priority 3 Liveable Alpine Space, Specific objective 1 – Sustainably valorize Alpine Space cultural and natural heritage
- Laufzeit / Duration: 17/04/2018 – 16/04/2021
- Budget: 2.187.400,30 Euro
- Coordination: Technical University of Munich, Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape
- Project website: trAILs
trAILs – Transformation of Alpine Industrial Landscapes
The decline of traditional heavy and manufacturing industry is occurring nowadays even in peripheral and less urbanized regions, such as the Alps. Here, in the so-called “green hearth of Europe”, this process is leaving behind impressive former productive landscapes of relevant size and complexity: Alpine Industrial Landscapes (AILs). The potential value of AILs in terms of sustainable transformation is strongly connected to Alpine-wide ecological, economical and social key challenges, such as the regeneration/improvement of blue and green infrastructures, the reactivation/upgrade of regional economies and the promotion of local identity and cultural heritage.
The project aims to generate significant knowledge about AILs and to develop and test sustainable transformation strategies applicabile and replicable in the whole Alpine space. In a multidisciplinary, transnational approach the project combines expertise in the fields of spatial and landscape planning, socio-economic sciences and ecologic restoration while directly cooperating with local communities in four pilot sites in Austria, Italy, France and Slovenia. The project’s foreseen main outputs are: (a) AILs webGIS database covering the whole Alpine region, (b) assessment tool for evaluating AILs actual conditions, (c) test-design tool for evaluating AILs transformation potential and impacts, (d) AILs knowledge exchange, information and decision support platform, (e) AILs learning-module for training activities.
Projektpartner sowie observer:
• Technical University of Munich, Germany
• Vienna University of Technology, Austria
• Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
• University of Verona, Italy
• University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
• LAMORO Development Agency, Italy
• Architecture, Urbanism and Environment Council of Vaucluse, France
• Business support center Kranj, Slovenia
• Registered association Styrian Iron Route, Austria
• E-institute, Slovenia
Project observers: Regional Government of Lombardy, Italy; Piedmont Region, Italy; ETH Zurich, Switzerland; CIPRA International, Liechtenstein; Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention (PSAC), Austria; Auvergne Rhone-Alps Region, France; Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia; “Erz und Eisen” Regional Development Company, Austria; Mountain Municipal Community of Seriana Valley, Italy; Esri Germany GmbH; Municipality of Leoben, Austria; University of Graz, Austria; TICCIH Austria; Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur Region, France; Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Transport, Germany; Regional Union of CAUE AURA, France
The project is co-financed by the European Union via Interreg Alpine Space.
Das Projekt wird von der Europäischen Union über das Interreg Programm Alpine Space kofinanziert.
Download: project_summary